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In Development Infographic: Flags of the World

This map is in development.


Reticulating Splines
I love flags. This idea is rather simple, but I thought I'd make a simple infographic (for the fellow flag lover out there, or their kids) with all flags in the world. It's a simple idea.

I'm still doubtful about including all those intergovermental organisation's flags, though. Outside of the UN, the EU, and ASEAN, few are known or recognizable I suspect. But I could be wrong?

The flags are sorted alphabetically and the list is the full UN member and observer states. I've also included some other countries, partially recognized or otherwise not fully accepted by the international community.

Here's a preview:

Aside from a little bit of re-shuffling to make sure the margins around the poster are good for framing, I decided to add the international vehicle registration codes to the country's names, where available. Not all countries have one, and some seem to be different from what you would expect. These are the officials one from this list (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_vehicle_registration_code) and may not even be in use in some countries. Or they tend to prefer an unofficial one, locally 🤷🏻‍♂️

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 13.47.47.png

I also decided to remove all those intergovernmental organization-flags from the right. They all looked the same and most are obscure anyway. Instead, I decided to add each visible country's dial code, in ascending numerical order. That way, you can find from which nation a bot is robo-dialing you :)

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 14.23.46.png