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Released Dutch Railway Map 2024

This map is available at Studiolegenda.com
This is the most comprehensive railway map of the Netherlands you can purchase. It is an iteration on the 2021 version of this map, with updates to the Oude Lijn: New future stations and a few actual new stations. Also, the colors have been updated to increase contrast between electrified and not-electrified lines. The lightblue has been replaced with a green color.

It features all major (heavy) railway passenger lines from the past, current and (possible) future. It includes every station that ever was, is and may be. It also features the museum lines because they deserve every mention they can get. It's a nice sister map of the Dutch Highway Map.

It features hundreds of stations and multiple lines that no longer exist. This includes the first railway stations built in the Netherlands between Amsterdam and Haarlem. It - of course - also features the high speed rail link.

It is more angular than the Highway Map, but features subtle curves. The density of information was such that I had to tone down the size of the curves to fit as much in as possible. The station labels are angled no further than 45º to keep legibility as high as possible.

The map is available here: https://www.studiolegenda.com/collections/all/products/dutch-rail-map-2024

SpoorkaartNederland 2024-sqd.jpg